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New Year, New You

Did you know that half of all cancers could be prevented through healthy lifestyle choices? This new year, vow to start taking charge of your health to cut your cancer risk in half. Sign the pledge to adopt our Five Healthy Lifestyle Habits to Reduce Cancer Risk. 

1. Avoid tobacco.

  • Burning tobacco releases 7,000 chemicals into your body. Among the chemicals released are arsenic, cyanide and lead. All of these are poisonous to humans. Tobacco, e-cigarettes and spit tobacco raise your risk for many cancers by lowering your overall resistance to fight off disease. If you find yourself struggling with tobacco and are ready to quit, please contact us. The benefits of quitting are many, and can be seen in as soon as twenty minutes. Click here to see the benefits to your body when you quit smoking.  

2. Stay safe in the sun.

  • Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the United States. Every year, more than 3.3 million Americans are treated for nonmelanoma skin cancer, with more than 5.4 million cases in all. Twenty percent of Americans will develop skin cancer at some point in their lives. To prevent skin cancer, steer clear of tanning beds and avoid prolonged exposure to the sun.

3. Know your family history.

  • Having an understanding of your family's health history can be beneficial for knowing potential health threats. Genes shared with family members cannot be changed, however, alleviating poor lifestyle habits such as lack of exercise, smoking and an unhealthy diet can help decrease your risks.

4. Get your cancer screenings regularly.

  • Cancer screenings increase the chances of finding certain early-stage cancers, when they are easier to treat. Hope Cancer Resources recommends following the American Cancer Society cancer screening guidelines.

5. Maintain a healthy weight.

  • Exercise
    • Regular physical activity can significantly lower the risk of many types of cancers. The American Cancer Society recommends that adults get two and a half hours of moderate intensity activity or an hour and fifteen minutes of vigorous intensity activity each week. Limit sedentary behaviors by adding some form of physical activity to your daily routine. 
  • Diet – Eat the Rainbow
    • "Eat the rainbow" is a coined phrase to remind you to choose a variety of colors in your selection of fruits and vegetables. By "eating the rainbow," you consume a balance of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and essential nutrients that are necessary to maintain a healthy diet.
  • Get plenty of rest
    • Less than six hours of sleep per night can be detrimental to your body and can reduce life expectancy as well as put you at an increased risk for cancer, heart disease, hypertension, obesity and diabetes. The Mayo Clinic recommends seven to nine hours of sleep per night for the average adult.
  • Practice stress relief
    • Stress can negatively affect your body, thoughts, feelings and behavior. Stress of everyday life can be the culprit of elevated heart rate and blood pressure. Stress reduction techniques include mindfulness meditation, deep breathing and yoga. 



To set up your personal wellness goals for a healthy 2017, contact our Wellness Coach Casey Shelor, MS, CHES, CTTS, Director of Cancer Prevention & Wellness, for a free consultation at casey.shelor@hopecancerresources.org.